I found out about nodevember just in time, and tried to join in. I _clearly_ didn't abide by the nodevemberio rules, but it was more of a learning experience for me. Anyway, here they are.
Day 1: Lava
Day 2: Clouds
Day 3: Lightning
lgbt zeus
Day 4: Tornado
learned about graph editor modifiers, amazing stuff
Day 5: Snow
Day 6: Reptile
learned a bit about curves. my first time rendering with eevee
Day 7: Moss
reworked my recent daily impossible render
Day 8: Coral
Day 9: Microbe
the spikes are actualy part of the shader, which is why they can move like that
Day 10: Flowers
Day 11: Metal
(also eevee)
Day 12: Paper
Day 13: Weave
Day 14: Ornamental
literally no shaders here, but i learned quite a bit about particles and what a boid is
Day 15: Tiles
learned a so much about shaders doing this that i forgot it was supposed to look good
Day 16: Greeble
and an animated version
Day 17: Hologram
Day 18: Zipper
again, learned a lOt about shaders, but wow it's so so ugly
Day 19: Circuit Board
i know, it's not much of a circuit board, but isn't it nice?
Day 20: Mechanism
plane + screws are a single plane with one shader
Day 21: Asteroid
for some reason, there's a sort of tile pattern present on the normals, no idea why
Day 22: Stars
used animation nodes for this one, lots'a leanin'
Day 23: Planet
can't really see the planets...oh well
Day 24: Nebula
Day 25: Alien
one sphere with a shader
Day 26: Mineral
sphere with a shaderrr
Day 27: Plasma
just a donut with a shader
Day 28: Porous
Day 29: Labyrinth
that lower third is an actual functioning automatic maze shader, but it looked so awful that i made this
Day 30: Innards
theres no light on the bottom-left, that's a volume inside the object transmitting the key light